Life After Death

 In Calleen’s new book, Life after Death,
she shares a lifetime of proof that we don’t die.

Life After Death

Having seen the first of many ghosts at the age of three, Calleen was tossed into the subject of life, death, and all things in-between from a very early age.

Since that initial encounter, she has continued to experience things most people say aren’t possible regularly.

For the last 30 years she’s used this ability to work as a professional Psychic Medium with clientele from all over the globe. 

Meaning, it’s her job to connect with those on the “other side” for her clients… on a daily basis.

She knows exactly what the other side looks like, because she’s seen it.

In this book you’ll get to see it too.

You’ll be given proof, insights, examples, and information about:

  • Ghosts & Specters
  • Séances, Tarot Cards & Ouija Boards
  • Prophetic Dreams
  • Miracles & Healings
  • Ectoplasm & Manifestation
  • Channeling

And even learn the truth about:

  • Suicide & the Afterlife
  • Angels, Spirit Guides & Negative Entities

She even shares the details of her own Near Death Experience over 25 years ago.  It’s not what most people report experiencing, but it is utterly life changing.

PLUS, you’ll be given TONS of her personal examples and encounters in order to back everything up.

By the end of this book you’ll know why she’s
100% certain that we never die… ever!

We merely go on to what is next.



This Book comes in 3 Formats:




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